
Unnoticed deeds are not less valiant.

Greed is wanting undeserved privilege.


You cannot expect what cannot be delivered.

Do not deflate yourself.

Hope for the best but be prepared.

You did the right thing.

Music is a gift.

Empty worry.

Do not deflate others.

Thank you for everything.

Love keeps your sanity.

Truth unsaid.

Do not harbour prejudice.

Swimming with an anchor.

Remember how flowers grow.

Science reveals the future.

Inner scorecard.

True failure is not trying.

Take care of the process.

Cannot argue with ignorance.

What the right answer is not.

Acres of diamonds.

Do what is required.

Prudence is good judgement.

Ignorance is not the absence of intellect.

Bad company.

Start from unity.

Days in anger, guilt and resentment.

Turn away from bad company.

Life is made of time.

Face reality.

Stay sharp.

Reality is talking.

Share good times with good people.

Be cheerful despite the trouble.

Take things seriously.

Be honest without malice.

Win by not failing.

You get what you settle for.

Do not create hostility.

Writing is learning.

Make your mistakes.

Do what's right.

Turn towards the sun.

Do not spend time with people who make you miserable.

Don't lie to yourself.

Many problems can't be solved forward.

Get real.

Shape of her body says little of her character.

Sarcasm is irony with venom.

Believe in people.

Do not carry envy.

Indulgence is not joy.

Life changes.

There is no remedy for dealing with wrong people.

Do not limit others.

Take full responsibility.

Competence determines compensation.

Choose the right methodology.

Some things just work well.

Some things cannot be chosen.

Take care of yourself.

Train to see the beauty.

Whatever you do people will judge.

Character builds life.

Violence is not authority.

Sarcasm is not cheerfulness.

Do what you believe is right.

Take decisive action.

Value true friends.

Arrogance is not dignity.

Failure to acknowledge others diminishes your self.

Judge people by the content of their character.

Live your life one day at a time.

The quality of decisions is what decides the merit.

True ideas move you forward.

Surround yourself with good people.

Don't tell lies.

Prejudice is the absence of knowledge.

Align your benefit with others'.

Luck is not competence.

Children cannot live up to arbitrary standards.

Every fear carries a seed of joy.

Misery is the absence of joy.

Lack of joy brings addictions.

War breeds no victor.

Align profession with temperament.

Data reveals the character.

Positive realistic expectations.

It is possible for beautiful things to happen.

God sees all.

Do not harbour bad intentions.

Good opportunities come when they are ready.

Some things are bound not to work out.

Mistakes are not failures.

Time compounds good decisions.

There is no perfect plan.

Vicissitudes reveal true character.

Time reveals the truth.

Life is a matter of choice.

Do what you believe is right.

Die knowing you lived a good life.

Contact people who rejuvenate you.

It matters.

More data does not mean better analysis. Analysis is a function of logic not information.

Available capital should be concentrated in the most desirable opportunities.

Look for what you did right.

Build up other people.

Quality of your ideas is not determined by the size of your positions.

Many years of simple errors.

You don't need to be perfect you just need to move forward.

Choose people who choose you.

Believe your effort.

When tomorrow comes, it will be another today.

Healthy relationships weather the storms.

Unconstructive thinking.

Surround yourself with good people.

Build from reality.

Take responsibility for your life and your dreams.

Feed beliefs that serve you.

Laziness is a habit.

Good people remain through tough times.

Don't judge yourself by arbitrary standards.

In times of adversity true character is revealed.

Be respectful.

No matter how life is I say my thanks.

Embrace uncertainty.

Find people who are able and willing to make your life better.

Initiative is abundance.

Emotional sorrow is legitimate.

Do not act with venom.

Wisdom acquisition is a moral duty.

The opposite of complacency is initiative.

Everyday is a privilege.

Sometimes people speak with great confidence utter nonsense.

Discovery of her character leads to intimacy.

Set your boundaries.

Stop doing what doesn't work.

Dream a life that you want and bring it into existence.

Making me look stupid does not prove me wrong.

Share good times with good people.

Price is not a measure of value.

I do not read books for information but for the way of thinking.

Beyond privilege.

Rising tide floats all boats, but only when the tide is out shall we see who remains afloat.

In true relationships there is no mockery.

Her physical disability does not discredit her character.

Getting in the zone means harmony between challenges and your ability in a given circumstance.

External conditions are everchanging.

A man is simply bound in honor.

Opinions are not facts.

Popularity does not determine value.

Take care of your relationships.

Develop an inner compass.

Some relationships work, some relationships don't.

Less experience, more prejudice.

Time compounds good decisions.

Life reveals character.

Do not judge others by your standards.

Some things just work.

Keep in touch with good people.

Leverage introduces risk of ruin.

Forgive yourself and move on.

Realistic expectations breed good judgement.

Do not harbour secret prejudice.

Do not use a grenade to kill a mosquito.

Time reveals the truth.

Stick to your vision.

Find people who rejuvenate you.

Don't be afraid to make your life better.

Find the root cause of the problem and deal with it.

Determine your goals and values.

Nonsense delivered with confidence is still nonsense.

Nurture things that make your life better.

Let facts guide you.

Find someone to love.

Do not overspend your income.

Stop doing what doesn't work.

Do not nurture resentment.

Value builds wealth.

An act of honesty is an act of clarity.

Love breeds love.

Do not reward bad behavior.

Consistency outweighs perfection.

You create the very thing you love.

Time magnifies what you do.

In honesty will you find the right words.

Do not cheat on yourself.

Wherever you are is not a place to runaway from but to grow out of.

Contempt is poison.

Be right for yourself not to prove others wrong.

Time uncovers the truth.

Neither hope nor fear without reason.

Gratitude and acknowledgement are the antidotes to the poison of contempt.

Honor dreams of others.

Do not triumph at the expense of others.

Recognize beauty in all things.

Euphoria distorts logic.

Mistakes are an invitation to evolve not to suffer.

Honesty will set you free.

Fears are lies that keep you safe.

Greed is scarcity.

To say my life is a blessing would be an understatement.

Beauty lies in all things.

Loss is part of success.

State your claim.

Complacency in victory is defeat.

Who am I to judge.

Truth is better than lies.

Books are gold.

Illusion of conspiracy.

Stick to the facts.

All the way in.

Shallow relationships.

The way of the reason.

Your psychological environment determines your success.

Drawing wrong conclusions.

Do not hesitate.

Always congratulate on a job well done.

Put energy into beliefs that serve you.

Ambition is desire of the end while initiative is desire of the beginning.

Books move me forward.

Disrupt the distraction.

Know what you're doing while not knowing what will happen.

Share good times with good people.

Prejudice kills opportunity.

Acknowledge your worth.

It is a privilege.

Lack of initiative is the end of progress.

Incompatible temperaments lead to conflict.

Basics go a long way.

Weakness. Excuses. Avoidance.

One day at a time.

Follow your vision.

Going hard from comfort is tough.

Do not suppress honesty.

Understand your circle of competence.

Each man's life is a creation of his own.

Some people are an endless source of trouble.

Break the habit.

Witness the joy of others.

Initiative is the driving force of progress.

Start where you are.

It's not the job but the attitude that decides the merit.

Instagram is not reality.

In the long run, we get exactly what we deserve.

Don't play games.

Don't waste your life feeling bad.

Nurturing one's discontent leads to bitterness.

To do list is infinite but priorities are few.

Good decisions come from temperament.

Don't judge yourself by the standards of others.

Be honest even if it doesn't look good.

When hedonism turns to decadence, make your excuses and leave.

Look at the world through vision of your own.

Then it doesn't matter if the choice is not right.

Break the comfort.

One thing at a time.

Good challenges are a blessing.

Good communication is collaboration.


Bitterness is accumulated discontent.

Too much trickery, too little substance.

Perfection is not virtue.

Money means nothing when your soul is crying.

Always go back to your vision.

Lies stick to one another. The more there are the stickier it gets.

There is a difference between useful and wishful thinking.

Embrace your failure.

You build wealth by building value.

In comfort lies decadence.

Unconscious human misjudgement is the root of all demise.

Good plans come from vision.

Follow your joy.

Some things work no matter how hard you don't try.

Some things don't work no matter how hard you try.

Feed your soul not your ego.

True challenge feeds your soul.

True challenge moves you forward.

Money is a beautiful design of human intellect.

Honesty liberates.

Watch out for dishonesty in disguise.

Stress is trading health for money.

Plans change vision doesn't.

Don't lie.

What you consume intellectually shapes your intellect.

Express appreciation for what's going right.

Love comes out of honesty.

Love cures loneliness.

Paranoia is not vigilance.

Honest imperfections.

Beware of undeserved privilege.

Some people challenge you to be better, some people sabotage you to be worse. Therefore, sabotage is not challenge.

There is no freedom in comfort. In comfort lies decadence.

Clarity solves problems.

Challenge is progress.

Deep joy.

Challenges burn all lies.

Move forward.

The big picture.

Be real. Be honest.

Delusion is not optimism.

Don't insist on imperfections.

Comfort is killing you.

You can't fix people.


The next step.

Honor and privilege.

No judgement.

Beyond dreams.

Find your focus.

Work doesn't cure loneliness. Love does.

Don't tell people what to do.

Deliver value, don't extract it.

Act on facts, not fantasy.

One step at a time.

All the things that move me forward are the things that I avoid.

Do what you avoid.

It's what we know for sure that just ain't so.

Prejudice and horoscope.

Information is not knowledge.

Information is not clarity.

It works if you work it.

Success is built on habits.

Life is such a privilege.

Find a way not an excuse.

Life is a process.

No one has the power to determine your value.

Compliment is not an insult.

All is forgiven.

Goodness is not weakness.

Raw honesty is better than polished lies.

Honesty equals freedom.

Have no agenda.

What does the good life say?

Challenges are endless, priorities are few.

Trust your experience not your opinion.

Made up stories.

Compliment is not an insult.

Fearless not foolish.

Facts guide, prejudice blind.

Many paths lead to Jerusalem.

Honesty needs no rehersal.

There is no resolution in rumination.

No shame in being down.

Grateful for everything you've got.

Want within your means.

Accept all outcome as if you had chosen it.

Don't explain yourself.

Other people's low interest doesn't make you unworthy.

Honesty has no alternative.

Honesty needs no explanation.

Lies stick to one another. So does truth.

Burn lies and the truth remains.

Fire burns all lies.

Challenges are fire.

Challenges of life are not personal.

Intellect is driven by emotions.

Being honest makes you feel right.

Mind is a running mess. Get it together.

Your opinion tells more about you then about the subject.

Manage your wants within your means.

Align your ambition with your capacity.

Stop fixing yourself or others.